Tracking Your Compliments (7-31-13)

Today’s Parenting Tip:

Decide:       You can balance compliments that say you care about a child with those that say you appreciate what a child does.

Practice:     Keep track of the compliments you gave to a child today.

How many were about how much you care?  These are ones deserved by the child just because he is a human being and all people need to be cared about.  (“I’m so glad you are home with me today.”)

How many were about something the child did?  (You stayed right with me at the store today.”)

By late afternoon, think about whether the numbers are pretty even.  If they are not, try to add some of the missing kind before the child goes to bed.

Let us know which tips you like the best or any others you think of that you want to pass along to others.

Today’s Decide and Practice daily parenting tip was inspired by our featured picture book, THE MONSTER WHO LOST HIS MEAN.  Read the book to a child in your life each day as a reminder of what you are deciding and practicing that day.

Come back each day for another good parenting decision and how to practice it. (Each day’s activity will also be posted on Daily Parenting Tips page for easy access.)

Read the whole story at Correct; Don’t Criticize – Part 2.

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