All People Want to Feel Important

“Special time” can make a child feel important. In fact, special time can make parents feel important too.
Plan some “special time” with your child – a time when you can give your undivided attention.
If there are other children, arrange for someone else to manage them or make sure they are occupied. (It could be a good time for a video, or the special time could be when younger children are asleep.)
Don’t answer the phone during special time. Kids love knowing they are number one on your agenda.
If you have other children put special time for each one of them on the calendar and  show that their time is coming soon. 
Now that you are an expert at special time, plan some for you and any important adult(s) in your life. Make sure it is uninterrupted time like for the kids. You’ll be surprised how appreciative they will be.

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