How to Learn Something New

Summer is a great time for learning something new – both adults and children. Think of something you want to learn to do. Make this summer be your first attempt to learn how to do it. If it is something you need a teacher for, use this week to read about it, try some part of it on your own, and/or arrange time for your first lesson.
Tell yourself, it’s OK to not do it perfectly the first time.
Commit to multiple practice times on whatever time schedule works for you. How long do you think it will take you to be good enough to show others what you have learned? To have others say you are good at it? To teach others how to do it?
Keep track and see if you were right about how long it takes you. Remember, if you truly believe it’s OK to do it as many times as you need to, you’ll be successful. 
Now that you have tried this way of learning something new, be sure to apply the same ideas when helping your children to earn something new!