Parents Make a Difference at School. (8-31-13)

Today’s Parenting Tip:

Decide:  You will be involved in your child’s learning.

Practice:   Today, choose ways you want to be involved in your child’s learning. Here are some choices; add some of your own.

    • Check in with his homework every night. Is it done? Is it done correctly?
    • Read with your child several times a week. Read to him (no matter how old) or listen while he reads to you.
    • Play games with your child a few times a week.
    • Set rules about the amount of screen time allowed.
    • Serve nutritious food.
    • Plan for some physical activity time each day.
    • Meet his teacher and go to school for parent events.
    • Tell him often why learning is important.
    • Talk to him about his career interests and abilities and how that connects to what he learns in school. Don’t ask what he wants to be when he grows up; ask instead what are three things he wants to do when he grows up.
    • Other – added by you.

Today’s Decide and Practice daily parenting tip was inspired by our featured picture book, OLIVER AND HIS ALLIGATOR.  Read the book to a child in your life each day as a reminder of what you are deciding and practicing that day.

Come back each day for another good parenting decision and how to practice it. (Each day’s activity will also be posted on Daily Parenting Tips page for easy access.)

Read the whole story at First Days of School.

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