Round Robin Storytelling (9-13-13)

Today’s Parenting Tip:

Decide:  Storytelling is a useful parenting tool.

Practice:   Today, start a fun activity for the whole family – round robin story writing.  One person starts the story by writing a sentence or two on a page and each person afterwards takes a turn to add another sentence or two one by one.

 If both young and older children are doing the activity, let the young child dictate her idea about what happens next and have an adult or older child write it for her.

 If there is something you want your children to learn from the story, weave it in when it is your turn.  For example, have the main person in the story fail at something and not give up or do something very kind for someone else in the story.

Today’s Decide and Practice daily parenting tip was inspired by our featured picture book, I WILL LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT.  Read the book to a child in your life each day as a reminder of what you are deciding and practicing that day.

Come back each day for another good parenting decision and how to practice it. (Each day’s activity will also be posted on Daily Parenting Tips page for easy access.)

Read the whole story at LOVE YOUR KIDS NO MATTER WHAT, PART 1.

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