Below is my post, BLOWING OFF STEAM. Also see my SPECIAL MESSAGE TO MY READERS about changes in my blog this year.
We all need to blow off steam at times. It is good for us.
This week, select a “fuss place.” Decide on a place where you can rant and rave about anything you are really upset about (an out of the way corner of the house or yard, a parked car, the shower, etc.). Make it a place you can go to easily and have privacy.
When you are upset this week, go to your “fuss place.” After you are done yelling, safely punching something, and/or crying, step away from your fuss place and say out loud one thing you will do about the situation that you are upset about.
If you feel silly using your fuss place at first, keep using it anyway. Over time you should begin to feel the benefit of blowing off some steam. It should help you deal with the upsetting situation. 
Children need to blow off steam too. You can use a cardboard box open at the top to make them a “fuss place” and teach them to use it. Put pillows (for punching) and comforting blankets, stuffed animals, etc. (for tears) in their fuss place. When they finish and leave the fuss place, help them to say out loud one thing they will do about their upsetting situation.