The Power of Asking for Help (8-25-15)

Today’s Parenting Tip:

This Parenting Tip is a reminder about things you can do to help your child get a good start at school this year.

Asking for help is a powerful thing to do.

“Asking for Help” is a game in which you take turns thinking of different ways you can ask for help in different situations.  At this time of year you can make all the situations be school situations.

  1. Describe a situation (You can’t find your classroom.)
  2. Take turns writing down an idea about how to get help with that situation.
  3. Post the ideas in an obvious place at home.
  4. Ask your child which ideas he likes the best.

Read more about back-to-school: Lessons Learned about Back-to-School.

Come back to Daily Parenting Tips each day for another helpful tip.