Have or Having a New Baby? (4-15-14)

Today’s Parenting Tip:

DECIDE:   Older brothers and sisters have mixed emotions when a new baby arrives.

PRACTICE:   If you have just welcomed a second (or more) baby into your family – or you are planning to – take some time today to talk to the older sibling(s).

Make it a private, quiet time when you can give your full attention. Talk about all the good things about having a new baby around as well as the difficult things that this means.

Be sure to talk about the scary parts. For example, worries about losing first place in the family and about getting needs met.

If you are not yourself welcoming a new baby, is there a child you care about who could benefit from this conversation? If so, ask the parents if it is OK for you to talk to the child. You and the parent could do it together or you could do it alone – whatever is comfortable.

Just knowing that not-so-good feelings are normal and understood can be helpful to children.

Today’s Decide and Practice daily parenting tip was inspired by our featured picture book, PHOEBE & DIGGER.  Read the book to a child in your life each day as a reminder of what you are deciding and practicing that day.

Come back each day for another good parenting decision and how to practice it. (Each day’s activity will also be posted on the Daily Parenting Tips page for easy access.)

Read the whole story at Making Children Feel Safe and Important, Part 1.

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